Early Fall Sayen House and Gardens Family Photo Shoot

It was early-ish October and I had never been to The Sayen House and Gardens before and oh my goodness!! It is SUCH a gorgeous place, what a perfect little haven outside Trenton, NJ in Hamilton Township. The trees were just starting to turn and the warm late afternoon sun was coming up to its peak of warm glowy-ness! It’s by far my favorite time of year and there were a billion perfect spots to capture the Reeder family. We’ve been photographing the Reeders since they got married and they now have a fourth little member of their family (I will post their newborn session soon!). Here is the session we captured of them when their little girl was a newborn. And if you want to check out their gorgeous beach wedding you can see it HERE. They are the just the sweetest and it is so much fun to watch them and their family grow. This is seriously one of the BEST perks of this job-getting to know couples and families and watching them grow and being able to capture the best moments of their lives—honestly, what could be any better?!

I have a ton of awesome sessions to journal so stayed tuned, especially if you love fall as much as I do! I also can’t wait to jump into all my fall sessions coming up this year! Whoo! Be sure to keep an eye on our Insta and FB feeds in the next few months for some sneak peaks!